DASC 2025/26 Tryouts
Before each new annual soccer season, each DASC Team is reevaluated and reformed based on assessment at our annual Tryouts under our standing rules. Teams are designated as Premier, Travel, or Rec.
*Fees vary for each program
Chestnut Park
Logan Park
DASC Travel Coaches
Tryout Information
U9 Boys & Girls
Sunday, April 27th, 1:00 PM
2017/18 Birth Years
Coaches: Chris Colondrillo, Wayne Thomas
U10 Boys & Girls
Sunday, April 27th, 1:00 PM
2016 Birth Years
Coaches: Erica Hile, Grace Klinedinst, Hugo Alima
U13 Boys
Sunday, May 4th, 1:00 PM
2013 Birth Years
_Coaches: Wayne Thomas, Arthur Mitchell.
U11 Boys & U11 Girls
Sunday, April 27th, 3:00 PM
2015 Birth Years
Coaches: Amanda Busler, Kris Kickok
U12 Boys & U12 Girls
Sunday, April 27th, 5:00 PM
2014 Birth Years
_Coaches: Andrew Beesley, Jessica Derrickson, Tim Wiricx, Chris Colondrillo.
U16 Boys & Girls
Sunday, May 4th, 5:30 PM
2010/11 Birth Years
Coach: Jake Altimore, Mike Elliot, Kyle Cooper
U18 Boys
Tuesday & Thursday, April 22nd & 24th, 5:30 PM
2008 Birth Years
Coach: Eric White
U14 Girls
1. Sunday, April 27th, 1 PM
2. Sunday, May 4th, 2:30 PM
2012/13 Birth Years
Coaches: Kyle Purcell, Jessica Derrickson
& Rick Oyler
DASC Travel Selection Process
How do we form Travel Teams?
All players who want to play Travel soccer must register and participate in Travel Tryouts. At the Tryouts, all players are scored in the criteria outlined in the DASC Tryout Manual.
What Happens Next?
At the end of the tryouts, all coaches will submit their scoresheets. The Director of Player Development will collate the scores from all scoresheets for the selection meeting. The Head coach scoresheet will be used to rank the players for each team, and other assessors’ rankings can be used to place players during the selection meeting.
What is a selection meeting?
The Selection Meeting is the process by which all Travel teams are formed. Members of the selection meeting are;
Vice President
Director of Player Development
The Head Coach of the team that is being formed
*Other coaches may attend for input.
What are the roles of each member?
The Registrar will advocate for placing the appropriate amount players in each team and the Travel program.
The VP will oversee the selection process and ensure the standing rules are followed.
The Head Coach will advocate for fielding the most competitive Travel team and can use a GK pick or players save for players not in the selected teams based on rankings.
The Director of Player Development will facilitate the selection process and may recommend an exception to Standing Rules if it’s for the benefit of team composition and/or player development.
During the Meeting
All selection committee members will have access to scoring information. The members will propose a roster number for the team, and the players ranked within the team will be offered a spot. The highest-ranking team from each age group will be assigned players first. The Members will also discuss contingency plans if players decline their spots.
Post meeting
Coaches may seek verbal agreements from players before electronic invitations are sent out. Electronic invitations expire after 72 Hours, and DASC may offer the spot to another player.
*All players will be notified if they make or do not make a Travel team. Players that are not placed in Travel aged U9 - U13 will be placed on a team in the Recreation program.
Once accepted new players to DASC will be contacted to collect the required paperwork Birth Certificate, Head shot & Waivers. New and returning players will be added to Team Communication at the end of the Spring season.
DASC will send a uniform invitation to all Travel players. Our current uniform cycle is Fall 2024 -Spring 2026 through Capelli. Returning players will not have to purchase a new uniform unless replacement items are needed.